02: From Projects to Ph.D – Dr. Persjha Conry

When was the last time you really took a step back and reflected on the power of resilience and unwavering belief in one’s potential? My dear friend, Pers Connery, embodies these virtues to their fullest extent. Born in the projects of Brooklyn, New York, she shares her life journey with us – a mesmerizing tale filled with laughter, tears, and an indomitable spirit. This episode takes you on a roller-coaster ride through Pers’ life, as we explore her childhood experiences, academic pursuits, and her journey through the working world.

02: From Projects to Ph.D – Dr. Persjha Conry Read More »

01: Trailblazing a Path to Academia – Dr. David Blanding

Ever wished you could sit down with someone who’s faced incredible adversity, charted their own path, and emerged victorious, all the while remaining grounded and genuine? Well, this episode is your golden ticket! We’re privileged to host David Blanding, a living testament of resilience and perseverance, who rose from the South Bronx to become an associate professor at Brown University.

01: Trailblazing a Path to Academia – Dr. David Blanding Read More »

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